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A look at the top ten contracts for pandemic relief goods and services.


Federal agencies have distributed most of the pandemic relief funding through grants, direct payments, and loans. However, the agencies have also signed contracts to buy goods and services related to the pandemic.  Many of the top contracts were for COVID-19 vaccines and testing.  For example, the Department of Health and Human Services gave contracts to companies for its Increasing Community Access to Testing program. In some instances, agencies used existing contracts to be able to buy the goods and services quickly. Here, we explore the top ten pandemic contract recipients and top five agencies with the most contracts.

To see all contract spending and the recipients, visit the All Pandemic Awards Dashboard and select "Contract" in the Award Type filter.

Top 10 recipients of pandemic contracts and top 5 agencies funding contracts

NOTE: This data is from and is updated daily, based on data reported by the awarding agencies. The PRAC is aware of certain data limitations. For additional information regarding any of the listed contracts in the data, please contact the issuing agency.

Page last modified: 07/03/2024
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