Some of the larger federal pandemic relief programs, like the Education Stabilization Fund, were created to help schools and students. But state and local governments have also used State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) money to support education projects. As of June 30, 2022, 210 of the 48,937 SLFRF education projects have a total adopted budget of $1.6 billion, with $332 million reported as spent. These projects have been in the following categories:
- Academic social and emotional services (143 projects)
- Mental health services (35 projects)
- Aid to high-poverty districts (32 projects)
Largest SLFRF education project: Maryland
The largest education project was $269.6 million in Maryland to:
- Provide funds to 24 local education agencies to address lost learning associated with school closures.
- Identify and provide other necessary support and services for students.
- Enhance educational services for children placed in the Department of Juvenile Services’ detention and residential facilities.
Public school & school district recipients
State and local governments have distributed SLFRF money to sub-recipients in education-related fields across the country. While sub-recipients do not report spending categories such as “education,” sub-recipient names show that several school districts have received SLFRF funding. In 14,313 subawards, 297 mention “public school” or “school district” in the recipient’s name. These sub-recipients have received a total of $257.8 million.