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Transcript for What is the Coronavirus Relief Fund

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What is the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)?
The CRF was created in the CARES Act to give direct funding to states, localities, territories and tribal governments to support programs for their communities.

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What’s it for?
Governments have used CRF for: 
healthcare costs, small business relief, unemployment compensation, workforce development, education, and support to local governments.

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What does the PRAC have to do with it?
CRF funding data has to be reported to Treasury OIG, then we’ll show you how the money is being spent locally on

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What are the numbers?
785 prime recipients received $149.5 billion in CRF money
760 received $150k or more, enough to report to Treasury OIG under the CARES Act
Recipients must report on a quarterly basis what they spent
So far we’ve gotten data from 3 reporting periods 

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When we get a new report, we’ll let you know
Find all past, current and future data here:


Page last modified: 11/06/2023
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