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Search reports, investigative results, and agency plansShowing 1 - 10 of 38 results
Department of Labor OIG

COVID-19: States Struggled to Implement Cares Act Unemployment Insurance Programs

Department of Labor OIG

Alert Memorandum: Potentially Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Payments in High-Risk Areas Increased to $45.6 Billion

Department of Labor OIG

COVID-19: ETA Needs a Plan to Reconcile and Return to the U.S. Treasury Nearly $5 Billion Unused by States for a Temporary Unemployment Insurance Program

Department of Labor OIG

Alert Memorandum: The Employment and Training Administration Needs to Issue Guidance to Ensure State Workforce Agencies Provide Requested Unemployment Insurance Data to the Office of Inspector General

Department of Labor OIG

Alert Memorandum: The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Needs to Ensure State Workforce Agencies (SWA) Implement Effective Unemployment Insurance Program Fraud Controls for High Risk Areas

Department of Labor OIG

ETA Did Not Ensure States Sufficiently Implemented Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation Program

Department of Labor OIG

COVID-19: More Can Be Done to Mitigate Risk to Unemployment Compensation Under The CARES Act

Department of Labor OIG

COVID-19: Unemployment Relief For Governmental Entities And Nonprofit Organizations Should Have Been Better Managed

Department of Labor OIG

COVID-19: ETA Could Have Done More to Ensure States Had Sufficient Staffing to Deliver Timely Pandemic Unemployment Benefits

Railroad Retirement Board OIG

Management Information Report - Interim Report Regarding CARES Act Expenditures and Controls

The objective of this interim review is to provide RRB management with information that will assist them in ensuring compliance, transparency, and fiscal accountability under the CARES Act.