Search reports, investigative results, and agency plansShowing 1 - 3 of 3 results
Michigan Office of the Auditor General
Performance Audit: Claims Processing During the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Insurance Agency Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
The federal CARES Act created new federal unemployment compensation (UC) programs including Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, increasing the weekly benefit amount, and expanding eligibility to claimants not otherwise eligible for unemployment benefits. From March 15, 2020, through June 30, 2022, the Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) paid $39.9 billion in UC claims from 5.8 million claims created for 3.48 claimants. This audit report is the fourth of a series of five audit reports on UIA claims...
Michigan Office of the Auditor General
Performance Audit: Personnel Management Processes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Insurance Agency Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
From March 2020 through June 2021, the Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) workforce increased from 754 to a monthly high of 4,410 in April 2021. UIA expended $171.7 million through June 2021 for the additional staffing resources. During this period, UIA processed 5.2 million UI claims and paid over $36.5 billion in UI benefits. The objectives for this audit were to assess the sufficiency of selected UIA practices for workers onboarding and offboarding during the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide information on the administrative funding available to UIA during the COVID-19 pandemic and other...
Louisiana Workforce Commission: Financial Audit Services Management Letter
We performed procedures at the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) to provide assurances on financial information that was significant to the state’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; evaluate the effectiveness of LWC’s internal controls over financial reporting and compliance; and determine whether LWC complied with applicable laws and regulations. We found that LWC did not have adequate internal controls and did not comply with requirements of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) federal program.