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Search reports, investigative results, and agency plansShowing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Improper Payments in the Unemployment Insurance Program: Ineligible Recipients Based on Income

This report provides the results of our evaluation of select Unemployment Insurance programs administered by the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC). The purpose of this evaluation was to identify potentially improper payments LWC made to individuals who appear to have been ineligible for unemployment benefits based on their income/
Small Business Administration OIG

COVID-19: Data Sharing Project Finds Billions Paid to Same Likely Fraudsters Under Both the Unemployment Insurance and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Programs

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is issuing this inspection report to determine whether data sharing between the Employment and Training Administration and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) could mitigate the risk of fraudulent unemployment insurance benefit payments and SBA disaster program disbursements. In 2020, soon after Congress expanded the Unemployment Insurance and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Programs in response to the adverse economic effects caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Labor OIG and SBA OIG respectively began reporting...
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OIG

FDIC Examinations of Government-Guaranteed Loans

Pandemic Response Accountability Committee

Increasing Transparency into COVID-19 Spending

The objective of this review was to identify specific gaps in transparency in award data for federal assistance spending in response to COVID-19. We looked at 51,000 awards worth $347 billion that supported the pandemic response (as of June 15, 2021). The report includes three findings, including we found more than 15,400 awards worth $33 billion with meaningless descriptions that make it difficult to know how COVID-19 relief money was used. The report includes five recommendations to help improve the transparency into COVID-19 relief spending.