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Haverhill Man Arrested and Charged With Filing Fraudulent Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claim

BOSTON – A Haverhill man was arrested and charged today in connection with a Massachusetts Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claim he filed in 2020 for a man who was living in Brazil and who has since been charged with migrant smuggling, among other offenses.

Two Men Sentenced for International Money Laundering and Bank Fraud Scheme

BOSTON – Two Nigerian men were sentenced today in federal court in Boston for their roles in an expansive money laundering and bank fraud scheme that resulted in millions in losses from pandemic fraud, romance scams and other online scams.

Two Convicted of Romance and Pandemic Fraud Schemes

Former North Shore Resident Pleads Guilty to COVID-Relief Fraud

Charlestown Man Pleads Guilty to Identity Fraud Charges

BOSTON – A Charlestown man who has been living under a false identity pleaded guilty today in federal court in Boston to charges arising from his use of the name and Social Security number of a U.S. citizen.