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Showing 51 - 60 of 60 results

Buffalo Woman Pleads Guilty To COVID Fraud

Batavia Woman Arrested, Charged With COVID Fraud

New Jersey Man Arrested for Unemployment Fraud Related to COVID-19 Pandemic

BOSTON – A New Jersey man was arrested today in connection with his alleged involvement in a scheme to fraudulently obtain COVID-19-related unemployment assistance.

Serial Fraudster Sentenced to More Than Six Years in Federal Prison for Multiple Fraud Schemes Resulting in Losses of More Than $1 Million

U.S. District Judge Ellen L. Hollander today sentenced Robert Lee Snowden Jr., age 45, of Owings Mills, Maryland, to 78 months in federal prison, followed by three years of supervised release, for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and for aggravated identity theft, in connection with a series of fraud schemes perpetrated between 2013 and 2020. Additionally, Judge Hollander ordered that Snowden pay restitution of $1,021,583.72.

Justice Department Takes Action Against COVID-19 Fraud

Ineffective Implementation of Corrective Actions Diminishes DHS' Oversight of Its Pandemic Planning

DHS OIG issued a series of three reports between August 2014 and October 2016 examining DHS’ pandemic activities, including 28 recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DHS planning and response activities. We conducted this verification review to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of DHS’ corrective actions. We focused our review on 11 of 28 key recommendations that dealt with DHS-wide pandemic planning and response activities. We determined that DHS provided the OIG with adequate documentation of its initial plans and actions to address the recommendations to...