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Showing 431 - 440 of 458 results

3 Inland Empire Women Plead Guilty to Wire Fraud for Illegally Obtaining COVID-Related Jobless Benefits in Prison Inmates’ Names

Three Inland Empire women have pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges accusing them of using information belonging to other people – including California state prison inmates – to file for pandemic-related unemployment benefits, with each defendant causing at least $350,000 in losses.


Texas Woman Indicted on Unemployment Fraud Charge Related to COVID-19 Pandemic

BOSTON – A Texas woman was indicted by a federal grand jury yesterday in connection with her alleged involvement in a scheme to fraudulently claim COVID-19-related unemployment assistance.

Two Postal Service Employees Plead Guilty to Using EDD Debit Cards to Illegally Purchase Thousands of Dollars in Postal Money Orders

Two United States Postal Service (USPS) employees pleaded guilty today to federal criminal charges accusing them of unlawfully buying and cashing tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of Postal money orders with unemployment benefits fraudulently obtained with false claims of COVID-related job losses.

Malden Man Pleads Guilty to COVID-Relief Fraud and Identity Theft

BOSTON – A Malden man pleaded guilty today to identity fraud charges in connection with submitting fraudulent applications for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). The federal PUA program provides unemployment-related benefits to individuals who have been impacted by COVID-19.

Novi Man Charged in Unemployment Insurance Fraud Scheme

Texan sentenced in CARES Act unemployment fraud scheme

A 29-year-old Corpus Christi man has been ordered to federal prison after he admitted to devising a scheme to fraudulently misappropriate $255,052 in unemployment benefits meant for those suffering financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Dudley Man Arrested for Theft and Misuse of COVID-19 Pandemic Assistance

BOSTON – A Dudley man was arrested today in connection with his alleged involvement in a scheme to fraudulently obtain and misuse COVID-19-related unemployment assistance.