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Showing 101 - 106 of 106 results

CARES Act Fraud Investigations Identify Twenty-Three Individuals Targeting Thirty-One Million Dollars

PROVIDENCE – The United States Attorney’s Office, the Office of the Rhode Island Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Rhode Island State Police today publicly updated information on criminal investigations and prosecutions of individuals who are alleged to have targeted and defrauded federally funded programs created to assist businesses and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Paycheck Protection Program and Unemployment Insurance Program. Since the enactment of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March 2020, a...

Southern District of Florida Takes Sweeping Action Against CARES Act Fraud

The United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, the Acting Assistant Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, and representatives from their partner law enforcement agencies announced today an update on their criminal enforcement efforts in South Florida to combat fraud under the CARES Act, the relief legislation that Congress passed one year ago to help individuals and businesses financially survive the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the enforcement efforts announced today include prosecutions against defendants accused of trying to...

Justice Department Takes Action Against COVID-19 Fraud

Brooklyn Man Charged with Conspiring to Commit COVID-19 Relief Fraud