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Showing 1 - 10 of 22 results

Convicted Felon Admits To Defrauding COVID-19 Programs While On Supervised Release

LAS VEGAS – A Las Vegas woman pleaded guilty yesterday to carrying out a scheme to fraudulently obtain more than $137,000 from the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program (PUA), the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL).

Las Vegas Woman Pleads Guilty To Committing Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud While On Pretrial Release

LAS VEGAS – A Las Vegas woman pleaded guilty today to using a California Employment Development Department (EDD) unemployment insurance benefits debit card in another person’s name without the person’s authorization.

Amsterdam Woman and Las Vegas Man Charged in Pandemic Fraud Conspiracy

California Resident Sentenced To Prison For Committing Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud

LAS VEGAS – A Stockton, California, resident was sentenced today by United States District Judge Gloria M. Navarro to 27 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release for fraudulently using unemployment insurance benefits debit cards in other peoples’ names without their authorization to withdraw thousands of dollars.LAS VEGAS – A Stockton, California, resident was sentenced today by United States District Judge Gloria M. Navarro to 27 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release for fraudulently using unemployment insurance benefits debit cards in other...

California Man Pleads Guilty To Committing Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud

Las Vegas Man Sentenced To Prison For Committing COVID Relief Fraud While On Pretrial Release

LAS VEGAS – A Las Vegas resident was sentenced today to one year and nine months in prison for filing fraudulent loan applications that sought over $100,000 in loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Las Vegas Woman Sentenced To Prison For Using Stolen Identities To Fraudulently Collect Over $175,000 In Unemployment Insurance Benefits

LAS VEGAS – A Las Vegas woman was sentenced today to 45 months in prison for using at least 40 stolen identities to fraudulently collect approximately $175,622 in unemployment insurance benefits from the California Employment Development Department (EDD).

California Man Sentenced To Prison For Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud

LAS VEGAS – A California man who admitted to fraudulently obtaining over $170,000 in unemployment benefits — by submitting multiple unemployment claims in other people’s names and using benefits debit cards not belonging to him — was sentenced today to 30 months in prison.

Undocumented Individual Sentenced for Filing Fraudulent Claims in Unemployment Insurance Benefits

LAS VEGAS – An undocumented individual was sentenced today to 20 months in prison for his role in a conspiracy to use over 100 victims’ identities (without their consent) to unlawfully submit fraudulent unemployment insurance benefits claims, totaling at least $934,129.

Three Men Charged For COVID-19 Unemployment Insurance Benefits Fraud

LAS VEGAS – Three men made their initial appearances in federal court today for their alleged roles in a conspiracy to apply for and use Nevada and California unemployment insurance benefits debit cards — approved for over $900,000 — that were issued in other peoples’ names.