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Showing 31 - 38 of 38 results

North Carolina Restaurant Owner And Son Charged With COVID-Relief Fraud

Menifee Woman Pleads Guilty to Federal Criminal Charge for Fraudulently Obtaining Over $500,000 in COVID-19 Jobless Relief

A Riverside County woman pleaded guilty today to a federal criminal charge for fraudulently obtaining more than $500,000 in COVID-related unemployment benefits for herself.

Florida Man who Used COVID-Relief Funds to Purchase Lamborghini Sports Car Charged in Miami Federal Court

A Florida man was arrested and charged with fraudulently obtaining $3.9 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and using those funds, in part, to purchase a sports car for himself. Authorities seized a $318,000 sports car and $3.4 million from bank accounts at the time of arrest.

Sussex County Man Charged with $1.9 Million Paycheck Protection Program Fraud Scheme

San Gabriel Valley Man Pleads Guilty to Mail Fraud Charge for Fraudulently Obtaining Over $500,000 in COVID-19 Jobless Relief

A San Dimas man pleaded guilty today to a federal criminal charge that he fraudulently obtained more than $500,000 in COVID-19-related unemployment benefits in the names of foreign nationals he falsely claimed were local real estate agents hit hard financially by the pandemic.