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Showing 61 - 70 of 151 results

Father and Son Sentenced for $1.7 Million COVID-19 Relief Fraud

Hampton Man Pleads Guilty to Laundering $739,000 of Pandemic Benefits

Baltimore Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge for Fraudulently Obtaining More Than $1.2 Million in COVID-19 CARES Act Loans

Alexander Barabash, age 52, of Baltimore, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to wire fraud, relating to the submission of fraudulent Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act loan applications. The CARES Act was enacted in March 2020 to provide emergency financial assistance to Americans suffering from the economic effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Owner of Two Northeast Ohio Businesses Sentenced to Prison for PPP Loan Fraud

Chicago-Area Businesswoman Charged With COVID-Relief Fraud

East Providence Man Sentenced for Fraudulently Applying for COVID-Relief Business Loans

Brighton Man Pleads Guilty to $1.5 Million COVID-Relief Fraud

Naples Felon Sentenced To More Than Seven Years For $2.6 Million COVID Relief Fraud Scheme