Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results
Salem Man Pleads Guilty to Small Business Loan Fraud and Filing Fraudulent Tax Returns
BOSTON – A Salem man pleaded guilty today in federal court in Boston in connection with two fraud schemes involving COVID-19 relief funds and tax returns for other individuals.
Worcester Man Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Identity Theft Charges Related to COVID-19 Pandemic
BOSTON – A Worcester man pleaded guilty today to fraudulently applying for business loans under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and then spending the money on personal expenses.
Former Owners of Two Illicit Massage Parlors Charged with COVID-Relief Fraud
BOSTON – Two former owners of massage parlors have been charged in connection with filing for and obtaining fraudulent pandemic-related loans under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for their respective illicit businesses where workers engaged in commercial sex acts with customers.
Two Nigerian Nationals Indicted for Romance and Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Schemes
BOSTON – Two Nigerian nationals were indicted on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, in connection with their roles in expansive online fraud schemes targeting individuals in the United States, including romance scams and pandemic unemployment assistance fraud.
Quincy Man Sentenced for COVID-19 Related Offense
BOSTON – A Quincy man was sentenced yesterday in federal court in Boston in connection with selling lanyards that falsely claimed to protect against viruses.