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Showing 51 - 60 of 129 results

Texan convicted for multimillion-dollar COVID-19 relief fraud

Man Convicted for Multimillion-Dollar COVID-19 Relief Fraud

Kingdom City Business Owner Pleads Guilty to $673,000 CARES Act Fraud

A Kingdom City, Mo., business owner pleaded guilty in federal court today to fraudulently receiving more than $673,000 in loans for several businesses under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Former Portland Area Non-Profit Director Pleads Guilty to Stealing Covid Relief Funds

Beverly Hills Father and Son Sentenced to Prison for Scheming to Defraud COVID-Relief Programs Designed to Help Businesses

A Beverly Hills father and son were sentenced today to federal prison terms for defrauding government programs designed to help businesses survive the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Los Angeles Man Found Guilty of Stealing More Than $150,000 and Attempting to Steal Nearly $1.9 Million More in COVID Business Loans

A downtown Los Angeles man was found guilty today by a jury of federal criminal charges for fraudulently obtaining more than $150,000 – and attempted to obtain an additional $1.85 million – in COVID-relief loans for several companies he claimed to own and operate.

Phoenix Woman Sentenced to Prison for Paycheck Protection Loan Fraud