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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results

St. Louis County Man Accused of Pandemic, Disability Fraud

An indictment accuses Preston Randall of fraudulently obtaining $620,000 in pandemic loans and $17,906 in disability payments.

St. Louis Man Admits $150,000 Pandemic Fraud

Demetrice Black admitted fraudulently applying for and receiving $150,000 in an Economic Injury Disaster Loan from the Small Business Administration during the coronavirus pandemic.

Hazelwood Man Sentenced to 111 Months in Prison for Schemes Seeking $404,000

Naquan Powers admitted involvement in the fraudulent purchase of vehicles, a credit card scam and fraud involving two pandemic relief programs.

Reality Show Cast Member Pleads Guilty to 15 Felonies, Admits Multiple Frauds

Hazelwood Man Admits Series of Schemes Seeking $404,000

St. Louis County Business Owner Admits $231,100 Pandemic Loan Fraud

University City Business Owner Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Pandemic, Bank Fraud

St. Louis County Man Sentenced to 5+ Years for $777,000 Pandemic Fraud