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Showing 11 - 20 of 56 results

West Boylston Man Pleads Guilty to Drug Offense and Wire Fraud

BOSTON – A West Boylston man has pleaded guilty in federal court in Worcester to possessing cocaine intended for distribution and wire fraud with respect to COVID-19 relief programs.

Two Convicted of Romance and Pandemic Fraud Schemes

Former North Shore Resident Pleads Guilty to COVID-Relief Fraud

Canton Woman Sentenced for Online Fraud Conspiracy

Hyde Park Man Pleads Guilty to COVID-Relief and Federal Assistance Benefit Fraud

Michigan Man Sentenced for Scheme to Obtain COVID Relief Funds in a Dozen Different States

BOSTON – A Michigan man was sentenced today in federal court in Boston for his involvement in a fraudulent scheme to obtain COVID-19-related unemployment assistance and small business loans in 12 different states.

Boston Man Pleads Guilty to Identity Theft and Unemployment Fraud Related to COVID-19 Pandemic

BOSTON – A Boston man pleaded guilty yesterday in connection with using others’ identities to fraudulently obtain over $65,000 in Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits.