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Financial Statements and Federal Single Audit Report for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021: Kitsap County

In our Financial Statements and Federal Single Audit, we identified, among other things, that during fiscal year 2021, Kitsap County spent $8,109,337 and $4,695,965 in CRF and ERA program funds, respectively. To fulfill components of both programs’ objectives, the County passed $6,548,816 in CRF and $4,664,258 in ERA funds through to subrecipients to provide emergency rental assistance to eligible households. The subrecipients were responsible for determining which households were eligible to receive funds and then providing assistance to them. The County requested and obtained supporting...

Financial Statements and Federal Single Audit Report for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021: Island County

In our Financial Statements and Federal Single Audit, we identified, among other things, that Island County spent $2,656,126 in CRF program funds during fiscal 2021, and passed $1,156,108 of these funds to two subrecipients who operated assistance programs. Island County also spent $2,681,211 in ERA funds during fiscal year 2021, and passed $2,638,164 of these funds to four subrecipients to provide emergency rental assistance to eligible households. Island County did not have adequate internal controls for ensuring it included all subaward information in two new subrecipient contracts for the...

Financial Statements Audit Report: For the Period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

Through this report, we identified several state departments, including the Washington State Office of Management, Department of Commerce, and Department of Social and Health Services, that did not have adequate internal controls, nor comply with certain requirements, for Coronavirus Relief Funds