Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results
Kabbage Agrees to Pay up to $120 Million to Resolve Allegations that it Defrauded the Paycheck Protection Program
BOSTON – Bankrupt lender Kabbage, Inc. d/b/a KServicing, has agreed to resolve allegations that it knowingly submitted thousands of false claims for loan forgiveness, loan guarantees, and processing fees to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as part of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), in violation of the False Claims Act (FCA).
How'd We Do? Families Deserve More Details on COVID Vaccination Rates at Delaware Long-Term Care Facilities
This special report compares the metrics of Delaware’s dashboard to other states’ dashboards, and identifies key data metrics that should be considered for inclusion on Delaware’s data dashboard as they pertain to vaccine administration in LTCFs. A review of Delaware’s data dashboard revealed a lack of LTCF data such as total doses administered to residents, total residents partially vaccinated, and total residents fully vaccinated. Delaware’s dashboard does include vaccine dosages administered to the 65+ population, but this data is not specific to LTCF residents
Examination of Jeanne Jugan Long-Term Healthcare Facility
The State of Delaware is required to ensure that the fiscal records at nursing care facilities are retained and properly support the cost report – which is the financial report showing the cost and charges related to Medicaid activities – submitted to the Medicaid Agency. These costs must comply with federal and state regulations. This examination could not be completed because of a severe lack of documentation. Administration at the Jeanne Jugan Residence was unable to produce sufficient data showing how many patients were served each day. Without accurate patient census data, it was...
Unanswered Questions: Improving Technology, Communications, and Reporting in Long-Term Care Facilities During the Pandemic
This special report examines and assesses the State of Delaware’s preparation of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) for the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the early stages of the pandemic and again six months later. Our goal was to determine if the state was adequately supporting and resolving pandemic-related issues inside LTCFs and if trends or opportunities for improvement existed. To reach our conclusions, we reviewed publicly available applicable federal and state guidance, agency policies and procedures, and information provided by Delaware’s emergency support function State Health Operations...
Delaware's COVID-19 Data Dashboard Opportunities and Successes: How Well Does Delaware's Data Tool Allow for an Accurate and Timely Response to the Pandemic?
The Office of the Auditor of Accounts Office (OAOA) prepared this special report to review Delaware’s public reporting of COVID-19 data. The objective was to provide a clear and unbiased assessment of the public health efforts carried out by the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) in the early stages of the pandemic, March 11, 2020 through June 30, 2020. This includes when the state first made information about testing and cases publicly available on a data dashboard.