Showing 11 - 20 of 22 results
Auditor Sand Advises Governmental Entities to be Wary of Fake Unemployment Claims
This notification was an advisory notice for representatives of all governmental entities to carefully verify information received in an any correspondence received from IWD regarding claims for unemployment insurance benefits, as unknown parties are attempting to file fraudulent unemployment insurance claims as if they were former employees of certain governmental entities.
Report on COVID-19 Test Reporting Involving the Iowa Department of Public Health and State Hygienic Laboratory
This report was initiated due to state and county level employees reaching out to the Auditor of State’s Office to discuss reporting delays related to Test Iowa. The reporting delays mentioned could have a negative impact on the pandemic response by hindering contact tracing and decision-making at both governmental and individual levels..
Re: CARES Act Funds
The Office has reviewed two of the Governor’s decisions regarding the spending of Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) dollars. We are providing this guidance now to ensure the Governor has an opportunity to correct identified spending that does not comply or may not comply with use restrictions. We have also consulted with The United States Treasury Office of the Inspector General to confirm our conclusions.