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Showing 81 - 90 of 179 results

Survey Results on the American Rescue Plan

The Comptroller’s Office surveyed Ulster residents on potential uses of the American Rescue Plan funds. The survey was promoted on social media from March 24 through May 3, 2021, and in electronic newsletters to the Comptroller’s Office distribution lists. Two hundred and twelve people responded. Respondents were provided with 14 potential options for the use of funds and asked to grade each on a score of 1 to 10.

Ulster County Comptroller’s 2020 COVID-19 Impacts Report

This report is a summary of the costs related to responding to the pandemic that the Ulster County Comptroller’s Office was able to aggregate from existing reported financial and personnel data for 2020. The County continues to incur substantial costs in the current year 2021, many of which are offset by pandemic related revenue streams, such as the cost of operating vaccination clinics. We have reviewed the 2020 expenditures to assist in both improving the accounting for these costs and potentially identifying and obtaining revenues to offset these costs.

2021 Audit on Unemployment Fraud

Our audit sought to determine if unemployment claims filed in the name of Ulster County employees were handled in accordance with current law and Ulster County policy. Our audit revealed that the Personnel Department properly identified fraudulent unemployment claims and challenged those claims. In addition, the Personnel Department staff appropriately notified the Sheriff’s Department and the Information Systems Department about the potential unemployment insurance fraud. However, it appears that some employees may not have been notified by the Personnel Department that they were the victims...

Audit of the Ulster County Service Center

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in upheaval to the economy and government services. Ulster County needed to address the questions of people and organizations during the pandemic as it related to public health concerns. To address public questions and concerns, Ulster County established a COVID hotline. Despite allocating significant resources to promotion and widening the scope of the Service Center, it still receives few calls. The call volume does not seem to align with the staffing and additional resources being allocated to operate a separate unit of government. This downtime could...

North Chili Man Convicted By A Federal Jury Of 37 Counts Of COVID Relief Fraud

New York Department of Labor: Controls and Management of the Unemployment Insurance System

The objective of this audit was to determine whether the New York Department of Labor (Department) has taken appropriate steps to oversee and manage the Unemployment Insurance system and to comply with selected portions of the New York State Information Security Policy and Standards. Overall, we found deficiencies with the Department's oversight and management of its Unemployment Insurance system that ultimately compromised its ability to effectively mitigate risks related to the processing of claims.

Albany Woman Sentenced to Prison for COVID-19 Relief Fraud

Long Island Woman Sentenced to Prison for Unemployment Insurance Fraud

Former Buffalo Man Pleads Guilty To COVID Fraud

Couple Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Steal Government Property