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$6.4 billion in pandemic funding was received by foreign recipients. See the details.

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In response to COVID-19, the federal government authorized an unprecedented $5 trillion in pandemic response spending.  The majority of the prime recipients of this funding were located in the United States, however, approximately 2,000 prime recipients in 177 foreign countries received a total of $6.4 billion. These prime recipients were awarded approximately 4,000 federal contracts and 1,000 federal grants.  

Recipients in Switzerland received the most funding, a total of more than $2 billion, due to the large number of international institutions with headquarters in Geneva. Three organizations -- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; the United Nations; and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -- received 43% of the pandemic funding across all foreign countries. Most of the funding to recipients in other countries has come from the Department of Defense for military operations and from the United States Agency for International Development to help refugees.  For more details, visit the All Pandemic Awards dashboard.


Click on a country to see the recipients

Foreign funding by the numbers

$6.4 billion

2,000 prime recipients

177 foreign countries

4,000 contracts

1,000 grants

Data updates daily

Page last modified: 07/03/2024
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